Very rare and nicely toned, a curious piece
Los 2605
Theodore Comnenus-Ducas, as emperor of Thessalonica, 1225/7-1230. Aspron Trachy (Silver, 16 mm, 0.70 g, 6 h), Thessalonica, circa 1227. [ AΓI/IOC/O PH/TH/CA] Virgin Mary orans, nimbate, standing facing, flanked by MHP-ΘV. Rev. [ΘЄΟΔΟPOC ΔЄCΠΟΤ O AΓIOC ΔIMITRPIOC] Theodore, on the left, standing facing, wearing crown with pendilia and loros, holding akakia in his right hand, and St. Demetrius, on the right, beardless, nimbate and in military attire, standing facing on footstool, holding castle with three towers with both hands; above, manus Dei blessing Theodore. DOC IV, pl. XXXVIII, 2. Lianta 320. SB 2159. Very rare and nicely toned, a curious piece. Heavily clipped, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Geiger, formed over the past 70 years.

This piece was clipped to about half of its diameter, reducing its weight from 4-5 grams to 0.7 grams - a reduction by a factor of 6-7. The reason for this modification remains unclear; certainly, no one could have expected the piece to continue circulating as currency in this condition. Perhaps it was instead reworked into a piece of jewelry, which might also explain its good state of preservation and lack of circulation marks.
50 CHF
130 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 09-Dec-24, 16:05:30 CET
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